Carregando Eventos

Pro Cantione Antigua


19 de outubro 1982 / 21h00
Teatro Cultura Artística

Pro Cantione Antigua
MarkBrown, regente
Timothy Penrose, contratenor
Christopher Royal, contratenor
James Lewingto, tenor
James Griffett, tenor
Michael George, barítono
Brian Etheridge, barítono 


William Byrd (1543 – 1623)
Kyrie e Gloria
Agnus Dei
Ave verum corpus

William Blitheman (1525 – 1591)
In Pace

William Cornyshe (1465 – 1524)
Ave Maria

Thomas Tallis (1505 – 1585)
Te lucis ante terminum

King Henry VIII (1491 – 1547)
Pastime with good company
Adieu Madame
Alas what shall I do for love
Helas, Madame

William Cornyshe (1465 – 1524)
Blow thy horn hunter
My love she mourn’th for me
Ah Robin, Gentle Robin

Anon. Sec. XV
Who shall have my fair lady
Tappster, Drinker

Thomas Ravenscroft (1590 – 1633)
Can’st thou love and lie alone

William Lawes (1602 – 1645)
Careless of  love

Henry Purcell (1659 – 1695)
When the cock begins to crow

John Ward (Sec. XVI-XVII)
Retire my troubles soul

Thomas Ravenscroft (1582 – 1633)
Give us once a drink


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