Cultura Artística

The Friend’s donations are extremely important to ensure that our programming can present the world’s main artists and that the educational activities may benefit thousands of people each year.
Friends are divided into the categories below:
Apoiadores: R$ 600 — R$ 2.499
Benfeitores: R$ 2.500 — R$ 6.999
Mantenedores: R$ 7.000 — R$ 9.999
Mecenas: up to R$ 10.000
Friend's benefits
- Annual report: Friends receive by e-mail the annual report.
- tax exemption: all Friends can avail themselves of the tax benefits provided for in article 18 of the Rouanet Culture Incentive Law, which allows tax exemption of up to 100% of the amount invested in the project , up to a limit of 6% of the income tax payable.
- Exclusive activities: Friedns are invited to take part in special activities along the year, including guided tours to exhibitions promoted by partner institutions.
- Naming: as usual, Cultura Artística Friends will have their names listed in the concert booklets, the anual report and at the website, according to the categories listed above, alongside de year of 2020.
- Exchanging places and individual tickets: Friends have priority on exchanging places during the subscription process, as well as on buying individual tickets throughout the year.