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Frederick Fuller e Fritz Jank


26 de maio 1943 / 21h00
Theatro Municipal de São Paulo

Frederick Fuller, canto
Fritz Jank, piano 


Compositores antigos

Henry Purcell (1659 – 1695)
Fairest Isle (Hom. à Inglaterra)

Thomas Morley (1557 – 1602)
Now is the month of maying

John Attey (1622 – 1640)
Sweet was the song the Virgin sang

Anônimo (1620)
Have you seen but a white lily grow?

Anônimo (1656)
Lie still, my dear

Georg Friedrich Händel (1685 – 1759)
Where’er you walk

Compositores contemporâneos

Howard Ferguson (1908 – 1999)
Sonata em fá menor para piano

Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 – 1958)
The water-mill (de Fredegond Shove)

John Nicholson Ireland (1879 – 1962)
Sea fever (de John Masefield)

Lennox Randal Francis Berkeley (1903 – 1989)
D’un vanneur de ble aux vents (de du Bellay)

Frederick Theodore Albert Delius (1862 – 1934)
Prinsessen (de Bjornsen)

Norman Fraser
Tentativa (de Cecilia Meireles 1901 – 1964)

Canções tradicionais e folclóricas das Ilhas Britânicas

Dashing away with the smoothing-iron – Inglaterra
The old turf fire – Irlanda
Comin’ through the rye – Escocia
David of the White Rock – País de Gales
I have a bonnet trimmed with blue – Irlanda
Auld Lang Syne – Escocia
The rain it raineth every day – Inglaterra 

Homenagem ao Brasil, a pedido

Ernani Braga (1888 – 1948)
A casinha pequenina

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