Carregando Eventos

The BBC Singers

: – Concerto extra-assinatura

16 de abril 1988 / 21h00
Teatro Cultura Artística

The BBC Singers
John Poole, regência


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
Der geist hilft unsrer schwachheit auf, BWV.226

Gustav Holst (1874 – 1934)
Ave Maria

Edward Elgar (1857 – 1934)
Five part-songs from the greek anthology, op.45

Johannes Brahms (1833 – 1897)
Fest-und gedenksprüche, op.109

Benjamin Britten (1913 – 1976)
Sacred and profane: eight medieval lyrics, op.91

Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887 – 1959)
Duas lendas ameríndias em nheengatu

Michael Tippett (1905 – 1998)
Four songs from the British lsles

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